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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some good stuff, for a change

Amazing how ones perspective can be changed rather dramatically from one day to the next. Today was one of those really good days.

First of all, this afternoon, I was asked to speak to my wife's chapter of PEO, a philanthropic community of women, who provide scholarships and do similar great things for young women. And it was to talk about my books. Now I am normally an introvert, but when facing an audience of people who show real interest in my doings, I can become quite animated. And it was a great opportunity to interact with persons who really showed a keen interest in my books. They asked great questions, and we all (I am led to believe) had a great time. It was really fun to talk about my books to that group. And I have been invited to talk about my books to three book clubs in the near future, including the Edmond Book Club (in January). This seems to be just the shot in the ol' arm that I've been needing.

And then, this evening, I got the layout for book three (Turbulence and Restoration) from my publisher. It's great to see it all coming together. Now, The Book of Drachma, Part Three, is the 348 page culmination of the saga of Bob Gilsen, Craycroft, Judy Morrison, Falma, Drachma, Reordan, LeGace and the many others who have gone into my work. It contains mystery, murder, self-discovery, and general intrigue in what should be a captivating story.

Keep tuned. And good reading!

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