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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Author, again

Well, I've posted another chapter. As you read this chapter, I would be curious to hear from you as to what you're thinking, as the book is getting kind of complex. There are several stories within the much larger tale.
Now there is Kerlin, who clearly sees his role as that of protector, and trying to get it all together may prove challenging.
And Cayman, whose life has been turned sideways, and now suddenly what he does impacts the people around him. But what of his infatuation with Diane...
Eustace, and how has all this affected him, and what of his own role, and behind this there is still his father, a lord in Ireland...
Then we have Councillor Reordan, and Antoine LeGace - now what could they possibly be up to?
And Melchior
And Bob
And Judy
And Drachma, Tom and this book
Now it is really about the turbulence, with a multitude of variables.
How can Craycroft keep it all together?

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