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Monday, August 19, 2013

The word.

It seems to me that moving can certainly be, at the very least, intensely stressful. And this is especially true if one of the people involved has to go to work right away, before even getting his bearings in his new environment. This is even true if one is moving for all the right reasons.

As I indicated in prior posts, I would be moving to the neighboring state of Arkansas, and moving mostly because four of our six grandchildren live there. Now, this has happened, and we are happily entrenched in Centerton, Arkansas (just immediately west of Bentonville). But I did have to work in Grove, Oklahoma very shortly after we moved, and so most of the early transition occurred without my being there, and I was just kept informed by phone of the goings on. And, yes, this was very stressful, both for me and my lovely wife.

But then, I got to experience one of those moments in which I knew with absolute certainty, that we had done the right thing. By fortuitous circumstance, my wife had previously arranged to take care of our two grandchildren from Iowa, and I got home from Grove the day before their parents arrived, for a long weekend. So, we had all six grandkids, and all six of their parents at our house (albeit not quite "put together"). And as we all sat around outside after consuming some fabulous ribs, potato salad, fresh corn on the cob, fresh cucumber salad; and drinking the celebratory wine, beer and other wet potions; with the cool of the evening requiring a fire in our outdoor fireplace, and the wondrous squeal of grandkids playing in the yard, it enveloped me. This was why we moved. This was the reason that all the stress of the early transition became worth it.

And so, now, as I am coping with my new life in Arkansas, with all its uncertainties, I have been given the word that it is all right, it is blessed.

Also, now I may resume my writing, which has been on hold.

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