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Saturday, February 23, 2013

OK, so this one was a bust.

As I explained in my last post, I am a very poor salesperson, especially if it comes to selling my own books. But this time, I thought I might have stood a chance. I had a book signing event scheduled today in a suburb of Tulsa, OK (100 miles away). And I really figured this one stood a chance of succeeding. I had asked everyone I ran into in the Oklahoma City area, and if they had any friends, relatives, former classmates, etc. in the Tulsa area, who they thought might possibly want to attend my book signing. And further to have their friends contact others in the area. Besides, my publisher contacted the area newspapers, etc. about my upcoming book signing.

Now, with all this activity going out over the internet, phone lines and all, you might have thought that I stood a reasonable chance of getting some action. And I was prepared, and had armed myself with a great supply of books, cards, bookmarks, and I even brought cookies!

Well, I had a great time talking with the two bookstore attendants, who were quite interested in my books. But besides them, the only person who showed up and bought anything was one of the student nurses who works at my hospital in OKC, but who lives in Tulsa, and she told me that she would be there, with her husband. And that was the sum of the activity, besides the standard patrons, who did stop by, but bought nothing.

As I said, my own forte is not book signing events at all. And it's tempting to throw up my hands at any future events, of which I have only one lined up, and just go back to writing my sequel, and let things take their turns as they will. All this selling stuff seems a waste of time and effort at this point.

Now there are authors out there, making a killing selling their stuff, and who have mastered the techniques required to become fluent in the social media. But I tell you, that's not for me - it is about as appealing as getting your notice from your gastroenterologist that it is time, once again, for your colonoscopy.

Well, I'm not totally discouraged, but I've got to get back to Bob, Judy, Craycroft, and their doings on Shepperton.

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