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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Main Characters in the Book of Drachma

My wife's book club is discussing my third volume of The Book of Drachma next month. And in so doing, one of the people in the book club asked for a list of the characters in the series. I, being the author, thought that the characters were somewhat self-evident. I admit, I was wrong!

Now the characters in the first book are fairly easy to keep track of, but then, as I discovered, the characters from the fifteenth century do get a bit confusing, unless you're reading right through the whole series at once, perhaps it would be of some benefit to have a list. So, here it is: 

                      Main Characters in The Book of Drachma

Dr. Robert (Bob) Gilsen – married to Marilyn Gilsen   -   (In our time)

Joshua Crabtree – adopted son of Janie and Earl Crabtree  -  His biological mother was a sandy-haired young woman – never found in our time.

Judy Morrison  -  a nurse. Single in our time, but ? in the fifteenth century

Dr. Barbara Greshin  -  A cardiovascular surgeon, who, through fate, operates on Josh Crabtree

Dr. Jerry Beasley  - an ER Dr (in our time)

Marilyn Gilsen  -  wife of Dr. Robert Gilsen (in our time)

Carlo Vincente  -  a man, who has traveled through time, who carries important messages for Bob Gilsen, Judy Morrison, Marilyn Gislen and Charlie Stephens

Janie Crabtree  - the adoptive mother of Josh

Earl Crabtree  -  the adoptive father of Josh

Charlie Stephens  -  ace investigative reporter for Channel Five.

Edgar Bryant – a detective (in our time)

Chris Lewinsky  -  a detective (in or time)

Craycroft  -  a home-grow, locally trained physician on Shepperton Island. Taught by Cartho, and close friends with Felicia Vincente, Carlo Vincente, Falma, Rust and the Earl of Shepperton.

Tom (Drachma the younger)  -  a youth who stumbles upon the great mystery.  Seemingly, nothing more than a page, but who is so much more, not the least of which is the grandson of Felicia Vincente and Drachma, the Elder of the Forest.

Lady Felicia Vincente  - the woman who defines elegance, grace and beauty. Originally, the daughter of the ambassador from a great Italian house, but who is so much more – as the lover of Drachma the Elder, the grandmother of Tom, and the mother of Maggie.

Councilor Rust  -  one of the councilors on the ruling Council, and who becomes Craycroft’s trusted ally.

Jeanne  -  Felicia’s lady in waiting, who becomes assistant to Craycroft, friend to Judy Morrison, and is the granddaughter of Charlie McFerris.

Frieda – Lady Felicia’s observant, sharp-witted maid.

Councilor Reordan  -  another councilor on the ruling council, who has money, but seeks power.

Councilor Silvo  -  another councilor, and puppet to Reordan

Councilor Genet  -  another on the council, who plays an important role.

Falma  -  the alchemist, and loremaster to the house of the earl, and long-standing friend to Drachma the Elder, whose sense of magic, and the varied connections in his world make him the logical choice to accompany Judy on her trek across Shepperton, and so much more.

Melchior  -  Falma’s apprentice, but so much more, who becomes Robert’s right hand man.

Kerlin  -  originally a forest guard, whose strength of character convinces the earl and Drachma that he is cut out for so much more.

The earl of Shepperton  -  the only true royalty on the island, who come from a long line of ruling earls, but has no children, no brothers or sisters – none to leave the rule of Shepperton.

Martin, Kevin, Stoneheft, Sean and Michel  -  forest guards, assigned to care for Robert Gilsen.

Finch  -  a mercenary, employed by Reordan.

Antoine LeGace  -  what can I say?  This guy is evil.

Angelica  -  Drachma’s longstanding assistant, and so much more.

Maggie -  Drachma and Felicia’s daughter, Tom’s mother  -  and so much more!

Barncuddy  -  master of the alehouse.

Willie Minstrel  - minstrel at Barncuddy’s, and much more than that.

Cayman  -  one of the castle guards, who plays a bigger role, the further we get along.

Eustace  -  a street urchin, who finds out eventually that he is the son of an incredible lady (Diane) and an earl, and what all this means.

Diane  -  a serving wench at Barncuddy’s ale house, who just happens to be the daughter of an expatriate princess, with her own history.

Hermes  -  a page, assigned to Bob Gilsen, who turns out to have his own peculiar sensibilities.

Aaron  -  Craycroft’s personal, and favorite page.

The earl of Derrymoor  -  a formerly shipwrecked earl, from Ireland, who turns out to have much to do with the doings of Shepperton.

Drachma the Elder of the Forest  -  well you’ll just have to figure this one out!

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