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Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Note to my Readers

To my dear readers,

As many of you have heard, The Book of Drachma will soon be published. Talking with my publisher, they expect the first volume (Laminar Flow), which comprises the Prologue and the first twenty chapters, to be out sometime around Christmas. The actual release date has not been set, but probably sometime after the first of the new year, you should be able to obtain copies through local bookstores, as well as through The process of editing has started, so I am going to have to take down Part One in the very near future. So, keeping this in mind, if you need to read any of the first part, I would suggest that you do so now, as I will be 'deleting' it by June 12th. I'll still have the Prologue, however the rest of Part One will be in hibernation, soon to be reborn as its new, shiny self.

And I'll still be working on the last few chapters of Part Three, but the pace may be a bit erratic.

I'll keep you informed. And a big, huge thank you to all my faithful readers.



  1. Well, it's good then that I just finished off Part One :)

    I cannot wait to own a hard copy of it though.

  2. Hi Drachma. Conratulations on getting published!! I've only just started out in the world of writing, so also started a blog. I didn't know if a blog was a good outlet for a writer, but I was directed here and have read through a lot of your work. It has really inspired me to push on with my writing and the blog.

  3. Connie, it's good to find that my writing inspires anyone. And, I should tell you, that I began writing before there were any such things as blogs. I originally wrote Part One of The Book of Drachma in 1989 - 1990. At that time I couldn't find a publisher to even recognize that I had sent them anything. So the idea just got put 'on hold.' It wasn't until 2009, that, on the advice (and help) of some of my friends that I got the notion to blog my writing, putting out a chapter weekly, which then forced me to finish Part Two (with Part Three almost done), and this was what got my publisher interested.
    So, in essence, I would have to say that blogging can definitely be a great tool for writers, as well as a terrific outlet, and I would encourage you to push ahead. And best of luck to you.
